What people are saying about Bedtime…
“Bedtime, The Ultimate Battle was the perfect read as I prepare to give birth to my second baby. This book includes great tips, packed with the right amount of humor and honesty. I love that each chapter is actionable, and comes with a checklist to keep track of what works best for you. I will definitely be using this advice as I re-embark on the adventure of getting Baby #2 to sleep through the night.”
—Melissa Bender, of Bender Fitness
“Any parent knows that one of the first things you start to worry about when you have a new baby is SLEEP. It’s crucial for a mom’s sanity and survival to get your baby (and yourself) some sleep. This guide will help you figure it all out easily and with a good dose of humor, too.”
—Meredith Ethington, author of Mom Life: Perfection Pending
“A wonderful book for any parent seeking that all-elusive sleep. Excellent and practical tips to win the bedtime battle!”
—Rachel Tomlinson, author of Teaching Kids to Be Kind
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Bedtime, The Ultimate Battle:
“Is your baby sleeping through the night?”
This is the worst question you could ever ask a parent. Seriously.
And news flash! Even if your child is sleeping through the night this week, that doesn’t mean they will be for much longer. Every other week, babies are teething, experiencing a growth spurt, or entering a dreaded sleep regression.
Bedtime, the Ultimate Battle is a concise and humorous tool that even the most sleep-deprived parents will love. It contains the meat and potatoes of sleep solutions for your baby that you can digest easily in the middle of the night, without worrying about heartburn.
Sleep is something all humans need, but at a point in every baby’s life, they will refuse to sleep like it’s their job. That leads to very exhausted parents and caregivers. Bedtime, the Ultimate Battle is written from the realistic perspective of a mom in the trenches—just like you. (And you, too, Dad.) It will leave you chuckling during your 3 a.m. wake-up calls and will provide you with dozens of ways to help get your baby to sleep. Just try not to laugh too loud while rocking your angel good-night (for the third time).
Bedtime, the Ultimate Battle includes more than ninety tips and tricks and discusses common nighttime hurdles such as:
- Sleep training
- Getting baby to nap when they don’t want to
- Weaning babies who breastfeed to sleep
- Handling sleep regressions like a champ
- and more!
A tenacious, loving and energetic photographer who enjoys grabbing her camera and running out to take some photos.